A Date With A Dom: Prelude to Requested Surrender Read online

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  He’d put this all out there now, as he’d been more than patient waiting for her to get to know him. At least the other side to him. His fear, after their last texting session, was that she was falling for ‘Date Night David’. And although that guy existed, so did Dom David and he didn’t want her to forget it.

  “I think I’d like that.” She put her hand out and instead of just clasping it, he grabbed hold and pulled her up and over until she was standing between his legs.

  “Good. You look so serious.” He traced the furrows on her brow with the tips of his fingers. “This is going to be fun, remember?” Tapping her nose once he added, “Providing you stick to the rules and you don’t ever lie to me, it’ll be great. Now, go get Mr. Cottontail. That little Wabbit is all mine.”

  He watched her head into her room and couldn’t help feeling uneasy. The expression on her face a moment ago was…worried was the description that came to mind. He got up and put his jacket back on, thinking he would question her about it, but then she reappeared with her treasure in—he would have said in hand, but in this instance “in hands” was needed— and he got sidetracked. “You weren’t kidding when you said you needed two hands.” He took the toy from her and let the cord uncoil until it hit the floor. “You do know they make these things with batteries now.”

  “David.” She went to turn away. Her face was bright red. Clearly she was mortified.

  Quickly he shoved the light-industrial equipment into his coat pocket and grabbed hold of her around the waist. Pulling until her back was against his front. “Yes?”

  “This isn’t easy for me. I’ve never…this is all new, you know?”

  “I know.” He curled down and spoke into her ear, “This kind of relationship may be different for you, but don’t worry. One thing will always be the same. I will be the constant by your side. Don’t forget that and don’t be afraid.”

  He tipped up her chin and kissed her. Deep and thorough, conveying without words how well he meant the sentiment. And when she melted against him so beautifully, all he could think about was Thursday night and what he had planned for her.

  “Ouch.” Lacy broke the embrace with a grimace and stepped away. “Mr. Cottontail was stabbing me in my back.”

  Could have been, but probably not. He was harder than titanium at the moment and he was fairly sure that beat out rubber. Clearing his throat, he asked, “Why don’t you open the box.”

  “Oh yeah, I forgot about that.”

  He waited while she untied the ribbon and lifted the lid.

  “How nice. Bracelets to match the necklace?”

  And she was back to her old self, fucking with him again. “Try cuffs to match the collar.”

  She held them up and made a dubious face. “I really don’t see it.”

  “I do,” he whispered, stepping closer until her breasts touched his lapels. Searching her face before he added, “I see you, after you get used to this beginner’s set, locked in thick, cold, hard, steel. I’ll have it specially designed for you. Maybe with an inscription that reads, I see it clearly now, sir.”

  She hesitantly backed away a couple of paces and attempted a smile. “Funny. That’s very funny.”

  But he wasn’t kidding. He was very, very serious.

  The Lesson

  “Are you ready for dessert?”

  Lacy looked at David and shook her head. “I can’t eat another bite.” She wasn’t going to tell him that her nerves had gotten the best of her. For the first half of their meal she worried he’d do whatever it was he had planned and then, as time ticked by and he didn’t, she worried for the last half that he changed his mind. “But you go ahead.”

  “I intend to.”

  He motioned the waiter and she was surprised when the server returned a few minutes later with a large bowl filled with… “Is that pudding?”

  “Yes,” he answered her, and then turned to speak to the server. “Thank you. This is all we require for the evening.”

  Lacy barely paid attention as the waiter hurried out and closed the door behind him. She was too intent on the vanilla pudding heaped in that bowl and what David was going to do with it.

  “There’s an awful lot of it, don’t you think?”

  “I like pudding.”

  “Okay.” She shrugged and sat back in her chair. “Knock yourself out.”

  Color her curious as she watched him pick up his spoon and get within an inch of the heap before he stopped and looked right at her. “I just don’t like eating it with a spoon.”

  Her mouth went dry and she wasn’t sure if it was the gleam in his eyes or the low and deep tone of his voice that caused this. “You want my fork?”

  “I want something from you,”—he lowered his hand—“but not your fork.”

  Don’t ask. Maybe he won’t tell if you don’t…ugh. “What?”

  “Come here.” Before she could say yea or nay, he leaned over and grabbed the seat of her chair, dragging it—and her—to him. In a flash she was right beside him until he readjusted his chair and then she was sitting facing him. “That’s better. Give me your hands.”


  He didn’t blink when he said, “Because I’m going to put them behind the chair back and connect the cuffs so they’ll stay there.”

  “Again, why?”

  “So I can unbutton your blouse, remove your bra and lick the pudding off your nipples.”

  Unbelievable. She gasped and then sputtered, “You can’t do that here.” Lowering her voice she eyed the door and offered, “We could do a doggie bag and go back to my place. That would work.” When she looked back he was grinning. God, he was one handsome fucker, that’s for sure. All pudding fears aside.

  “Let’s not and say we did. Put your hands around the chair. Come on, that’s right.”

  She had no idea why she was doing this. It was crazy and stupid. Dangerous because they were going to get caught, but he seemed so sure and those hazel eyes were talking her into doing more than letting him clip those cuffs together. Especially when he leaned in, coming over her. She turned her head and her cheek rested against his shoulder as he locked one bracelet to the other before he sat back.

  “There, now there’s no need for you to worry as there’s nothing you can do about if someone walks in.”

  “Are you really going to do this?”

  In way of an answer he began unbuttoning her blouse. One button, then two. When he got to the third one his hand brushed against the skin beneath and she shivered. “David.”

  He continued down to the last button, but paused before he undid it. “Guess what I bought for you today? A new treasure.” He punctuated that news by popping that lone button out the whole. “There. Beautiful,” he whispered, easing her blouse open, parting and pushing it back off her shoulders until it was behind her. “Now for the bra.”

  “What if the waiter comes back?”

  He looked up and completely ignored her concern when he asked, “Is this a coincidence or were you planning ahead?” With one little tug the front clasp gave and her bra fell to the sides of her rib cage.

  She didn’t bother to look down. “Will it matter if we get charged with lewd and lascivious behavior?”

  “It is quite the risk we’re taking here and since we are…”

  “David!” He had his hand on her knees forcing them to spread. With each inch he parted her, the hem of her skirt rose up two. “I’m serious.”

  He squeezed each thigh. “Me too. If I’m going to get thrown in the slammer for that, I at least want to be guilty of it. Spread your legs.”


  It was going to be another Mexican standoff because she wasn’t going to budge.

  “Come on, be a good girl and do it.”

  She compressed her lips together and shook her head. He was going to have to be happy with access to her chest and nothing more. She would have told him so, but she didn’t get the chance to when he abruptly let her go. There she was congratulating hers
elf when he shoved a hand in his pocket and pulled something out. It wasn’t totally round, more oval shaped.

  “What’s that?”

  “The Calvary.”

  He didn’t take his eyes off her as he dropped his arm. With one insistent push he got his hand—with that oval—between her thighs and pushed up. One inch, two inches and then three when it suddenly began to hum and vibrate. “Oh.”


  ”David…” Already the thrumming vibrations traveling through skin and muscles were having an effect on her, and he hadn’t even gotten to her center.

  “Are you going to do as I asked?” He inched closer. “Spread your legs.”

  What choice did she have? Either she do it now while it was a conscious choice, or do it later when her body made the decision for her.

  “That’s right. Very good. More. More. A little more. There.”

  She gasped because just then he pushed the oval right up against her clit and held it there as he used his other hand to position her legs, anchoring her feet around the chair legs so she was wide open. With her skirt bunched up on her lap and the lace of thong exposed.

  “How did you know? Blue. I love that color,” he whispered as he bent and hooked a finger in the elastic ribbing at the crease of her leg. Following the line until he got to her center he focused in with a sigh. “They’re nice and tight. Like you are, I bet.”

  She shivered and trembled as he slipped the vibrator between the thong and her skin. Quivering harder when he let the stretchy lace go and it snapped, causing the toy to crush up against the highly sensitive nerve endings that ached and throbbed.


  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then opened them. “I-If by good you mean, am I going to come any second? Yes.”

  “Ah.” He cupped her left breast, then gathered her spiked nipple between his forefinger and thumb and applied pressure. “I’d like you to wait until I have my dessert, but if you can’t I’ll understand…this time.”

  She went to close her eyes as the desire coursing through her was intense and overwhelming, but he tugged on her nipple. The action sent a zing of pleasure/pain from her breast to her womb. And when he curled over her and whispered, “Say thank you.” She melted.

  “Thank you.”

  He kissed her cheek. “Good girl. This may be a little cold at first.”

  The chilled pudding connecting with her skin was of little consequence as he simultaneously moved the vibrator in small circles with one hand and frosted her right breast with the back of the spoon with the other. Every time the metal rode over her hardened nipple she quivered and shook. Thinking that the sensations couldn’t get any better than this, but she was wrong when he bent and put his mouth on her. Not in a way she expected either. He wasn’t hard or forceful or fast. Instead he was slow and thorough. Sucking on her as if he expected to drink. Deep and long pulls. Over and over until she couldn’t separate the feelings. His mouth on her breast, his hand with that vibrator on her clit. It was too much. “That’s…so. Mm… So…”

  “Sweet?” He spooned more pudding on her, and bent to feed and she lost it.


  He pressed the vibrator closer.

  “Oh God…”

  He opened his mouth and sucked on her harder.

  “Oh…” She pulled in much needed air. Her rampant lust suspended. Hanging on the edge. But when he licked and then bit her sharply, her world fell as she came completely apart. “Ooh, yes. Yes!”

  The snap of the vibrator being turned off penetrated, but she was still trying to collect herself when she felt his hand sink in her hair. One tug and then two and she knew she needed to open her eyes.

  His sizzling gaze pinned her, as he spoke softly to her. Almost reverently. “Now, this is how I like my dessert served. Hot, wet and open. Promise me you’ll make note of it.”

  “I promise.” Right now she’d promise anything. Anything.

  “Good. But I haven’t finished yet. Are you ready?”

  This time he turned the vibrator up to top speed and her over-sensitive flesh reacted to it. She bucked and cried. Not sure, at first, whether she was enjoying the experience. But then he kept his hand in her hair. It was her lifeline as she came and came again. Held captive and at the mercy of a man who was determined to finish the whole heaping bowlful of pudding.

  “D-David…I-I can’t…”

  “I’m almost done, angel, and when I am I’ll carry to you to the car, I promise. Cry for me one more time. Let me hear you say my name…”

  Last Note from Riley

  *Waves* To all the readers out there. I hope you enjoyed David and Lacy’s first few encounters enough to want to read more. I love them, but I’m a little biased as they were a blast to hang out with while I walked them onto the page. I’ve been told that David is a soulful Dom with a bad boy streak a mile long. I suppose because he doesn’t make any excuses for who he is or what he likes. I wish all men were as honest as you know, they’d require less training that way. *winks and then stares right at you* And they think it’s the submissive that has to be taught. *shakes head* Now, if you are going to read Requested Surrender there is something I must do before I say goodbye. Yes, this is the part of the farewell where I fall to my knees, clasp my hands together and squeeze my eyes shut as I beg in a really pathetic voice, “Please, please, PLEASE. If you like their story, or heck, even if you don’t I’d greatly appreciate it— and by that I’d mean I’d buy you a small Island in Fiji if I could afford it, but don’t tell anyone okay?—if you’d leave a review and share your reader experience. Why you may ask? Because at the end of the day you guys are the whole reason I’m doing this. Thanks for that! And thanks in advance for taking the time out of your busy schedules to let me know your thoughts. Hey, you can email me too.

  Here’s my email address: Write2rileymurphy@gmail.com

  *Beams* I love to hear from readers. Maybe I’d become a better schedule/organizer person when it comes to release dates…probably not, I’m just saying, but it’s worth a shot, right? Oh, and here’s a sneak peek at the first chapter of Requested Surrender.

  Happy reading!


  Requested Surrender

  Chapter One

  She lied.

  After all their dates, the phone calls, texing and sexting, she’d purposely mislead him and David Hollan couldn’t believe it. Tamping down his anger, he calmly eyed his friend and business partner, Ethan Whiteleather, and asked, “You’re sure about this?”

  “I wish I could say no, but that’s not the case. The person who’s been at Lacy’s house on a daily basis is Joe the contractor, not our friend Jo.”

  David sat down and thought about all the times Lacy had let him think otherwise. There was only reason she’d do this. “She’s sleeping with him.”


  The adamant way Ethan said that small, but important word made him feel infinitely better. If Ethan had more to say, David was going to listen before he came up with a plan to deal with the situation. “Again, you’re sure about that?”

  “Look.” Ethan sat down on the arm of the couch opposite him and sighed. “I feel somewhat responsible. I was the one who suggested he do her remodel after doing such a great job on the build-out of the clinic.”

  David picked up a pen and tapped it against the desk top. The action and accompanying noise escalating as his thoughts raced to one conclusion. Then he stopped tapping. “The fact that the contractor was there is not the problem. Her deception, that’s the problem.”

  “Agreed. But here’s the way I see it. At least given everything Colin had to tell me.”

  David took a deep breath, preparing himself for whatever Ethan’s wife had told him. He could tell by his friend’s stern expression he wasn’t happy being the bearer of this kind of news.

  “Apparently, Lacy was interested in contractor Joe before she met you. They had one night of hot and heavy.” Ethan scowled a
nd then said, “Take a pill. It was nothing. Some drunken petting, no more than that. But even if it were, it was before you met. So get that look off your face. You don’t own her past and if you’re not prepared to be reasonable, you won’t be part of her future.”

  David glared. “Yeah, and how reasonable would you be if you were in my shoes?”

  “Anyways, point is…”

  David got why Ethan ignored that question. There’d be nothing gained by him answering, and they both knew it.

  “Once she met you things with Joe obviously changed. This put her in some kind of mixing-business-with-pleasure jam that she couldn’t get out of.”

  David blinked and then tossed the pen on the desk. “How long did it take Colin to talk you into believing that pile of bullshit?”

  “The whole reason Colin told me this at all was because she was pissed. Mad that our preferred contractor was ripping off one of our friends. All because the guy felt Lacy’d led him on.” David was drawing a blank and it was clear Ethan saw this as he continued, “When there was the prospect of a relationship developing between them—that would have been prior to you entering the picture—Joe had quoted prices. Discounted prices and probably a better than usual hourly rate if he’d been smart. Then you come along and Lacy no longer wants to mess around with the guy. Suddenly she’s not getting the right products. At least not the ones she’d chosen to be installed. What she was getting instead, were excuses for the arbitrary changes.”